
Studio Policies

Registration & Tuition

Students are required to register for the entire season, from September to June. Lesson schedule will be released at the beginning of the season. Breaks and holidays will be determined by the teacher in advance and are not subject to negotiation. A non-refundable registration fee due is upon registration.

Tuition is due on the first of every month, and can be paid online, or via e-transfer, cash, or cheque. An automatic late fee of 5% will be added if tuition is not received by three days after the due date. Tuition does not include fees for exams, books, or festivals, or any extra classes. Cheques can be made out to Natalie Ehrenholz. Post-dated cheques will be accepted and deposited on the first of each month. Any cheques returning NSF will need to be replaced, including a fee of $15 before the end of the month. Invoices will be sent automatically each month by email.

Please click here for a fee outline.

Missed Lessons

If a lesson is cancelled with at least 24 hours notice, a make-up lesson will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time agreed upon by the teacher and the student. Each student is entitled to five make-up lessons during the season. If a student misses five lessons without notifying the instructor, it will be considered notice of withdrawal. Time lost due to lateness will not be made up.


A thirty-day notice is required for withdrawal. After notification, the student or family will be responsible for the remaining month’s payment.

Lending Library

Students may borrow materials from the teacher's lending library at no charge. A list of loaned materials can be reviewed in the Lending Library on the student portal. Materials must be returned before the end of the season, or at a date agreed upon by the student and the teacher. Any materials that are lost or seriously damaged must be replaced at the current price.


New materials will be purchased by the teacher on an as-needed basis after discussion with the student or family. The student or family will be billed for the cost of the books. Receipts available upon request. 

Lesson Etiquette 

Please consume food and drink before entering the studio. Please use only the designated studio and washroom areas in my home. Washing hands before lessons is mandatory. Please come directly into the studio at your given lesson time and sit quietly should you arrive a few minutes early.